Friday, July 2, 2010

Outbreaks and Alerts: July 2, 2010

A daily digest of international outbreaks, alerts and food safety news

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United States
  • Baton Rouge, LA. July 1: The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals announced the partial closures of oyster harvesting areas 17, 19 and 21 in response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf.
  • Waco, TX. July 1: The Waco-McLennan County Health District said that it’s investigating a much higher-than-usual number of cases – 77 so far this year – of shigellosis, most of them involving children less than 5 years of age.
  • Ellensburg, WA. July 2: Kittitas County Public Health officials report that six cases of E. coli illness have been confirmed in Ellensburg and another is suspected. Two area day care centers have been closed.
  • Longmont, CO. July 2: The number of illnesses associated with drinking raw goat milk from Billy Goat Dairy has risen to 24. Two children have been hospitalized.

  • Tula, Russia. July 2: Twenty-eight people were hospitalized with symptoms of acute gastroenteritis after eating at Café 1001 Nights on the Moscow-Don Motorway.

Asia, Africa and the Pacific Islands
  • Taipei, Taiwan. July 2: Two new cases of botulism may be linked to the consumption of vacuum-packaged dried tofu, according to the Taiwan Department of Health. This brings the total number of individual botulism cases to eleven people. One person has died.
  • North Cameroon. July 2: The far northern region of Cameroon has recorded 293 confirmed cases of cholera and 30 deaths since the first week of June.

Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Zacatecas, Mexico. July 2: Consumption of raw oysters is being blamed as the source for three cases of cholera in the municipalities of Luis Moya, Loreto and Ojocaliente in June. Regional health officials confirmed the presence of Vibrio cholerae in the area.

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